
My passions and my purpose for this space include ministry | family | fostering

As the wife of a pastor, I hope to be a safe place and a source of encouragement for those who are in this same crazy life of ministry in the local church. We have been in ministry for 15 years and serve in an established church in the Bible belt, which is its own mix of joy and frustration. This is the church ministry to which we have been called and even when I question it, it is our heartbeat. If you are in the same boat with me, my hope is that my failures and struggles will serve as a source of wisdom and encouragement to you.

My personal ministry is, even before we were called into the ministry, serving as a teen girls and women’s bible teacher. Helping women experience the truth and transformation of God’s Word is my personal calling. On the Bible Studies page, the studies I have written and taught in our church will be available for download.

As you get to know me, you will get to know more about my story. God has been most kind and good and gracious to give me what I did not have growing up. I was blessed to have so much of  my extended family stand in the gap for me. And there’s not a thing about my story that I would change. It is mine and it is redeemed and it is my evidence of the faithful love of God. And it has given me a heart determined to be committed as a wife and mom. I hope to share with you family traditions and frugal tips from time to time. And things I’ve learned along the way.

I am no expert in fostering, so my goal is not speaking on how to do this. It is simply to familiarize foster care. Our country is overwhelmed with kids in crisis and the body of Christ must stand in the gap. This is not a calling for some but a responsibility of us all, in some way, to advocate for these children.